Charles (Hunter) Prude, New Mexico State University (2020)
Influence of Habitat Heterogeneity and Water Sources on Kill Site Locations and Puma Prey Composition
Colter Feuerstein, University of Montana (2022)
The Genetic and Demographic Outcomes of Mixed-Source Reintroductions of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Montana
Morgan Solomon, M.S. at Montana State University (2022)
Evaluating Habitat Suitability for Lesser Prairie-Chicken Conservation in the Mixed-Grass Prairie Ecoregion
Ashley Forrester, MSc at University of Nebraska- Kearney (2022)
Blanding’s Turtles of the Nebraska Sandhills
Kinzie Bailey, Ph.D. from University of Arizona (Current)
Ecophysiological comparison between two co-occurring woody species: juniper (encroached) and willow (naturally occurring)
Morgan Trible, Undergraduate Independent Study at Wichita State University (2019)
Assessing the Diversity and Abundance of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabeaeoidea) of a Bison Ranch Ecosystem in the Kansas Red Hills
Ross Hinderer, M.S. at Montana State University (2015)
Tessa Andrews, Ph.D. from Montana State University (2012)
Rosalinda Palomo-Ramos, non-thesis M.S. from New Mexico State University (2012)
Joseph Skorupski Jr., M.S. from University of North Texas (2011)
Effects of CFT Lugumine Rotenone on macroinvertebrates in four drainages of Montana and New Mexico
Mary Jean McCann, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2011)
Jennifer Chipault, M.S. from Colorado State University (2010)
Peter Brown, Ph.D. from Montana State University (2010)
Hilary Billman, M.S. from Idaho State University (2010)
Marcus Gray, M.S. from South Dakota State University (2009)
Kristy Bly, M.S. from Montana State University (2008)
Kevin Honness, Ph.D. student with South Dakota State University (sadly died before finishing his graduate research on swift fox reintroductions at Bad River Ranches in South Dakota) (2008)
Swift fox restoration: biological and socio-political considerations
Zack Parsons, M.S. from University of Montana (2007)
Jesse Fischer, M.S. from Kansas State University (2007)
Todd Atwood, Ph.D. from Utah State University (2006)
Coyotes, wolves, elk, and mule deer: predator-prey behavioral responses in southwest Montana
Aaron Facka, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2006)
Liz Bradley, M.S. from University of Montana (2004)
An evaluation of wolf-livestock conflicts and management in the northwestern United States
Marguerite Hendrie, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2004)
Debra Shier, Ph.D. from University of California Davis (2004)
Matt Hartsough, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2002)
Dietary preferences of black-tailed prairie dogs reintroduced into the Chihuahuan Desert grassland
Peter Bangs, M.S. from University of Arizona (2002)
Habitat use by female desert bighorn sheep, Fra Cristobal Mountains, New Mexico
Charles (Hunter) Prude, New Mexico State University (Current)
The influence of manmade water on puma in the southwest
Colter Fuersteen, University of Montana (Current)
Patterns of genetic variation, outcrossing, and individual fitness in a newly founded population of Westslope Cutthroat Trout
Morgan Solomon, M.S. at Montana State University (Current)
Suitability of Grassland Habitat for Lesser Prairie Chicken after Restoration Efforts
Ashley Forrester, MSc at University of Nebraska- Kearney (Current)
Blanding’s Turtles of the Nebraska Sandhills
Kinzie Bailey, Ph.D. from University of Arizona (Current)
Ecophysiological comparison between two co-occurring woody species: juniper (encroached) and willow (naturally occurring)
Morgan Trible, Undergraduate Independent Study at Wichita State University (2019)
Assessing the Diversity and Abundance of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabeaeoidea) of a Bison Ranch Ecosystem in the Kansas Red Hills
Ross Hinderer, M.S. at Montana State University (2015)
Tessa Andrews, Ph.D. from Montana State University (2012)
Rosalinda Palomo-Ramos, non-thesis M.S. from New Mexico State University (2012)
Joseph Skorupski Jr., M.S. from University of North Texas (2011)
Effects of CFT Lugumine Rotenone on macroinvertebrates in four drainages of Montana and New Mexico
Mary Jean McCann, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2011)
Jennifer Chipault, M.S. from Colorado State University (2010)
Peter Brown, Ph.D. from Montana State University (2010)
Hilary Billman, M.S. from Idaho State University (2010)
Marcus Gray, M.S. from South Dakota State University (2009)
Kristy Bly, M.S. from Montana State University (2008)
Kevin Honness, Ph.D. student with South Dakota State University (sadly died before finishing his graduate research on swift fox reintroductions at Bad River Ranches in South Dakota) (2008)
Swift fox restoration: biological and socio-political considerations
Zack Parsons, M.S. from University of Montana (2007)
Jesse Fischer, M.S. from Kansas State University (2007)
Todd Atwood, Ph.D. from Utah State University (2006)
Coyotes, wolves, elk, and mule deer: predator-prey behavioral responses in southwest Montana
Aaron Facka, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2006)
Liz Bradley, M.S. from University of Montana (2004)
An evaluation of wolf-livestock conflicts and management in the northwestern United States
Marguerite Hendrie, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2004)
Debra Shier, Ph.D. from University of California Davis (2004)
Matt Hartsough, M.S. from New Mexico State University (2002)
Dietary preferences of black-tailed prairie dogs reintroduced into the Chihuahuan Desert grassland
Peter Bangs, M.S. from University of Arizona (2002)
Habitat use by female desert bighorn sheep, Fra Cristobal Mountains, New Mexico