Senior Biological Technician

Levi joined TESF in 2015 as a seasonal technician working on the black-footed ferret project at Vermejo Park Ranch. In 2016 and 2017 he worked seasonally for Turner Biodiversity Divisions assisting with a variety of conservation and natural resource projects on the prairies of South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Beginning in 2018, Levi assumed a full time role on the Biodiversity team as a Senior Biological Technician. His position continues to work on a variety of projects, mostly in prairie ecosystems, including black footed ferrets, prairie dogs, and prairie chickens, as well as fish and amphibians. In the fall, Levi assists several Turner ranches with bison works.
Levi graduated from Valley City State University with a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife Management. Prior to the Turner organization, he worked seasonally for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department for three years as a wildlife aide.