by ensuring the persistence of imperiled species and their habitats with an emphasis on private land.

The Turner Endangered Species Fund and Biodiversity Divisions are dedicated to conserving biological diversity by ensuring the persistence of imperiled species and their habitats with an emphasis on private land.
We aim to use the best science to effectively conserve biodiversity and establish a new level of effectiveness for private-public efforts to redress the extinction crisis.
Much of the wonder of nature can be saved for future generations if conservation activities are more frequently and successfully applied on private working landscapes like those owned by Ted Turner.
Much of the wonder of nature can be saved for future generations if conservation activities are more frequently and successfully applied on private working landscapes like those owned by Ted Turner.
a new generation of young scientists and policy makers to improve the balance between conservation and commerce
The Future of Funding for Wildlife Conservation

US Senator Martin Heinrich visits Bolson tortoise project.
TESF was honored by recent interest in the bolson tortoise project by US Senator Martin Heinrich and US Fish and Wildlife Service Director Martha Williams. With their support we should be able to release tortoises on the Sevilleta and Bosque National Wildlife...
Mike Phillips’s invited lecture to the First Reintroduction Conference, Valencia, Spain, May 2022.
Yellowstone is 150 years old, and better than ever.
Since its founding in 1872, Yellowstone has been a landscape of change. Click to see the article by David Frey that mentions our very own Mike Phillips and his work with wolf recovery . Frey_2022Download