by ensuring the persistence of imperiled species and their habitats with an emphasis on private land.

The Turner Endangered Species Fund and Biodiversity Divisions are dedicated to conserving biological diversity by ensuring the persistence of imperiled species and their habitats with an emphasis on private land.
We aim to use the best science to effectively conserve biodiversity and establish a new level of effectiveness for private-public efforts to redress the extinction crisis.
Much of the wonder of nature can be saved for future generations if conservation activities are more frequently and successfully applied on private working landscapes like those owned by Ted Turner.
Much of the wonder of nature can be saved for future generations if conservation activities are more frequently and successfully applied on private working landscapes like those owned by Ted Turner.
a new generation of young scientists and policy makers to improve the balance between conservation and commerce
The Future of Funding for Wildlife Conservation

True Wild: The Real Story Of Wolves On Ted Turner’s Montana Ranch. By Mountain Journal.
All, Recently, we collaborated with Mountain Journal, an important outlet for journalism about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (, to develop a short film entitled True Wild. True to its name, the film celebrates the majesty of the Flying D...
All of nature matters.
Someday the COVID-19 pandemic will be history. When it fades from daily consideration, imperiled species restoration will continue to stand as evidence of our ability to repair the natural world. Such reparations buoy faith in our ability to heal an...
Blanding’s turtle work on Turner Sandhills Ranches.
University of Nebraska-Kearney graduate student Ashley Forrester with a Blanding's turtle on Turner Sandhills Ranches. The Nebraska Sandhills are a stronghold for the turtle species that are declining elsewhere across its range. Ashley is looking to expand...