Asher, V. 2007.Living with wildlife workshop.Presented non-lethal tools, wolf behavior/ecology and wolf program to area landowners. Sponsored by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition.
Asher, V. 2018.Wolves, bison, and elk: tension between conservation and commerce across a wild, working landscape.Oral presentation at the 2018 International Wolf Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. October 12, 2018.
Asher, V., J. A. Shivik, K. Kunkel, M. Phillips, and E. Bangs. August 2001.Evaluation of electronic aversive conditioning for managing wolf predation.International Theriological Congress People and Predators Conference, South Africa.
Asher, V., J. A. Shivik, K. Kunkel, M. Phillips, and E. Bangs. 2001.Managing wolves in captivity for recovery.North American Interagency Wolf Conference 2001, Chico Hot Springs, Montana.
Bangs, P. D., P. R. Krausman, Z. Parsons, and K.E. Kunkel. September 2001.Characteristics of bighorn sheep lambing sites.The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
Bangs, P., P. Krausmann, K. Kunkel, and Z. Parsons. February 2001.Efforts to restore desert bighorn sheep in the Fra Cristobal Mountains, New Mexico.Arizona and New Mexico chapters of the Wildlife Society 35th joint annual meeting. Gallup, New Mexico.
Bly Honness, K. August 2000.Black-tailed prairie dog restoration at the Bad River Ranches.Field Meeting ofthe Pierre/Fort Pierre Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Interest Group, Bad River Ranches, South Dakota.
Bly Honness, K. November 2000.Black-tailed prairie dog restoration at the Bad River Ranches.Master Gardener's Monthly Meeting, Fort Pierre, South Dakota.
Burgad, A., C. Williams and C. G. Kruse. 2013.Recovery of a restored native cutthroat trout population after watershed renovation.Poster Presentation, 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AK, September 8-12.
Burgad, A., C. Williams, and C. Kruse. 2014.Recovery of a restored native cutthroat trout population after watershed renovation.Poster Presentation, 2014 Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD. February 25-27, 2014.
C. Wiese and S. Hillard, 2024.Building a Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Program in the US.Oral Presentation at the 22nd Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance in Tucson, AZ July 25-28, 2024.
C. Wiese and S. Hillard, 2024.Restoring the Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) to the Chihuahuan Desert in the US.Oral presentation to the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, monthly “Wildlife Wednesday” event on July 10, 2024.
C. Wiese, S. Hillard & J. Gonzalez, 2025.Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Reproduction and Nest Site Selection in New Mexico.Poster titled “Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Reproduction and Nest Site Selection in New Mexico”. Presented at the 50th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium, February 25-28. 2025 in Las Vegas, NV.
C. Wiese, S. Hillard & J. Gonzalez, 2025.Establishing free-living bolson tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) populations in the US.Talk at the at the 50th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium, February 25-28, 2025 in Las Vegas NV.
Clancey, P., C. Kruse, and B. Shepard. 2014.The Cherry Creek, Montana, westslope cutthroat trout introduction project: the impetus for a paradigm shift within 20 years.Oral Presentation, 2014 Annual Meeting, Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Mazatlán, Mexico. April 7-11, 2014.
Devine, B., S. Vickerman, and M. K. Phillips.Invasive species and the conservation community.65th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Washington, D.C.
French, H. B., T. S. Smith, K. E. Kunkel, and E. H. Follmann. May 2001.Effects of human activities on coastal brown bears (Ursus arctos) at Rallo Bay, Katmai National Park, Alaska.13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Jackson, Wyoming.
Fritts, S. H., C. M. Mack, D. W. Smith, K. M. Murphy, M. K. Phillips, M.D. Jimenez, E. September 1999.Comparing results of soft and hard releases on the restoration of wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho.The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
Goguen, C., and D. Long. September 2012.Effects of prairie dog colonies on wildlife of shortgrass prairie habitats in northeastern New Mexico.4th International EcoSummit: Ecological Sustainability. Columbus, Ohio.
Gonzalez, J., S. Hillard, and C. Wiese, 2024.Estimating the Threat to Bolson Tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Posed by the Presence of Roads.poster presented at the 22nd Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance in Tucson, AZ July 25-28, 2024.
Hagan, G. August 2000.A private land approach to red-cockaded woodpecker translocation.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Red-cockaded Woodpecker Regional Translocation Meeting, Tallahassee, Florida.
Hagan, G. October 2000.Longleaf pine restoration: a private land approach.Southeastern Forestry Association, Tallahassee, Florida.
Hagan, G. September 2000.Red-cockaded woodpecker reintroduction: an emerging success story on private land.Florida Ornithological Society, Tallahassee, Florida.
Hillard, S., and C. Wiese, 2024.Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Reproduction and Nest Site Selection at the Semi-captive Tortoise Rearing Facility in New Mexico.Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance in Tucson, AZ July 25-28, 2024.
Hinderer, R. K., A. R. Litt, R. A. Garrott, and M. McCaffery. 2014.Understanding movement patterns of Chiricahua leopard frogs (Lithobates chiricahuensis) to promote species persistence in desert ecosystems.Poster Presentation, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bozeman, MT. March 4-7, 2014.
Honness, K. March 2000.Swift fox reintroduction feasibility study.Presentation to the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Annual Conference. Chamberlain, South Dakota.
Honness, K. May 2001.Grasslands Ecology and Restoration of lmperiled Species.Watertown High School Ecology Class, Watertown, South Dakota.
Honness, K. November 1999.Swift fox reintroduction feasibility study.Presentation to the Missouri Breaks Chapter of the Audubon Society Monthly Meeting, Bad River Ranches, South Dakota.
Honness, K. February 2000.Swift fox reintroduction feasibility study.Presentation to the South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks Regional Conservation Officers and Trappers, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
Honness, K. June 2001.Grasslands Ecology and Restoration of lmperiled Species.South Dakota Wildlife Federation Conservation Camp Custer, South Dakota.
Honness, K. May 2001.Efforts to restore swift fox to the Bad River Ranches.South Dakota's Trappers Association Annual Meeting, Ft. Pierre, South Dakota.
Honness, K. October 2000.Efforts to restore swift fox to the Bad River Ranches.Master Gardener's Monthly Meeting, Fort Pierre, South Dakota.
Hunter, D. L. June 2001.Veterinary Medicine Concerns in the Conservation of lmperiled Cervids: Avoiding Stress and Diseases.Huemul Workshop, Bariloche, Argentina.
Hunter, D. L. 2006.Identifying and Managing Health in Wild and Captive Bison.IUCN Bison Specialist Group meeting. Vermejo Park Ranch, October, 2006.
Hunter, D. L. 2008.How do Veterinarians fit into the Conservation Medicine Programs.Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas. June, 2008.
Hunter, D. L. 2008.Imperiled Species Conservation on Private Lands.University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine. Champaign, Illinois. 2008.
Hunter, D. L. 2008.The Expanding Role of Veterinarians in the 21st Century.University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine, Champaign, Illinois. 2008.
Hunter, D. L. 2008.Wildlife Veterinary Medicine in the 21st Century.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June, 2008.
Hunter, D. L. 2009.Role of Wildlife Veterinarians in the 21st Century.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June, 2009.
Hunter, D. L. 2010.Anthrax in North American Species.North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, Florida. January, 2010.
Hunter, D. L. 2010.Non Traditional Species and You – How to Incorporate them into Your Practice.North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, Florida. January, 2010.
Hunter, D. L. 2010.Veterinary Medicine into the 21st Century.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June 2010.
Hunter, D. L. 2010.Wild and Wooly: Diseases Shared by Domestic and Wild Sheep.North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, Florida. January, 2010.
Hunter, D. L. June 2002.Role of private lands in conserving biodiversity and imperiled species.Envirovet Institute. White Oak Plantation, Florida. June 2002.
Hunter, D. L. June 2003.Conservation Medicine.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June 2003.
Hunter, D. L. June 2004.Role of Veterinarians in Conservation Medicine.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June 2004.
Hunter, D. L. 2005.Immobilization Class for imperiled species.Educational class. Barouche, Argentina. 2005.
Hunter, D. L. 2006.What is a Wildlife Veterinarian?.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June, 2006.
Hunter, D. L. 2006.Wildlife Veterinary Medicine in the 21st Century.Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas. June, 2010.
Hunter, D. L. May 2000.Wolves – How do we make them fit?.Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Regional Meeting. West Yellowstone Conference Hotel, West Yellowstone, Montana. May 3-4 2000.
Hunter, D. L., Kunkel, K., Phillips, M. June 2001.The Role of Private Lands in the Recovery of Imperiled Species.International Joint Conference- Wildlife Disease Association and the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine Conference, Pilansberg National Park, South Africa.
Hunter, D.L. 2007.Predator/Prey Relationships on Large Landscapes.Envirovet Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida. June, 2007.
Krausman, P, K. E. Kunkel, and M. K. Phillips. September 1999.Translocating mountain sheep onto private lands: a case study of success.The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
Kruse, C. December 2000.Private interest in a public resource: aquatic conservation in the west.South Dakota State University- Advance Fish Management Departmental Seminar, Brookings, South Dakota.
Kruse, C. October 2000.Private interest in a public resource: aquatic conservation in the west.South Dakota State University - Advance Fish Management Departmental Seminar, Brookings, South Dakota (invited talk).
Kruse, C. G, M. Kossler, and D. Long. August 2012.Investing in the conservation and recovery of New Mexico’s native cutthroat trout: how the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act influenced native species conservation in northern New Mexico.142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Kruse, C. G. June 2001.A public conservation initiative on private land: Reflections and perspectives of the Turner organization regarding Cherry Creek. Practical Approaches for Conserving Native Inland Fishes of the West.Symposium of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Missoula, Montana.
Kruse, C. G. March 2001.Conservation on private land: Have we Turn(er)ed the corner?.36th Annual Meeting, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 2001, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Kruse, C. G. December 2001.Cutthroat trout conservation in the West: Are we cutting our throats?.Ecology Seminar Series, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.
Kruse, C. G. 2014.Large scale aquatic conservation efforts on private lands: can we make a difference?.E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation sponsored Oral Presentation, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. September 16, 2014.
Kruse, C. G., P. Clancey, K. Patten, and B. Shepard. October 2012.Collaborative efforts on behalf of interior cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki): a private initiative to catalyze native trout restoration in 250 miles of habitat.Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of Society of Conservation Biology. Bozeman, Montana.
Kruse, C., and G. Austiguy. 2014.Engineering cutthroat trout conservation: an evolution in fish barrier design.Oral Presentation, Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Mazatlán, Mexico. April 7-11, 2014.
Kruse, C., S. Barndt, P. Clancey, K. Patten, and B. Shepard. 2014.Collaborative efforts to restore aquatic species on private land: a story of habitat, genetics, disease and … (mostly) sweat.Oral Presentation, Wildlife Disease Association, Albuquerque, NM. July 28-August 1, 2014.
Kunkel, K. E. December 2001.Role of private lands in endangered species conservation.National Huemul Conservation Plan Workshop, Bariloche, Argentina.
Kunkel, K. E. February 2000.Desert sheep recovery in New Mexico.Idaho Chapter Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, Boise, Idaho (invited talk).
Kunkel, K. E. January 2000.Private efforts to conserve biological diversity.Conservation Biology and Veterinary Medicine course, University of California, Davis, California (invited talk).
Kunkel, K. E. June 2000.Restoring biodiversity to private lands.Envirovet Summer Institute, White Oak Plantation, Florida (invited talk).
Kunkel, K. E., and W. E. Clark. August 1999.Effects of wolves on deer spatial use in Glacier National Park.Ecology and Management of Ungulates Conference, Nelson, British Columbia.
Kunkel, K. E., K. Honness, and M. K. Phillips. November 2000.Feasibility of restoring swift foxes to west-central South Dakota.Defenders of Wildlife Carnivores 2000 Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Kunkel, K.E., K. Honness, and M.K. Phillips. March 2001.Feasibility of restoring swift foxes to west-central South Dakota.South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
Long, D. May 2012.History of coyote management in the West and recommendations for managing coyote populations on Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico.Turner Enterprises, Inc. Wildlife Board meeting.
Long, D. H. February 2001.Prairie dog restoration on Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico.Arizona and New Mexico chapters of the Wildlife Society 35th joint annual meeting. Gallup, New Mexico.
Long, D. H. February 2000.New Mexico breeds Black-footed ferrets for Arizona.Arizona and New Mexico chapters ofthe Wildlife Society 34th joint annual meeting. Sierra Vista, AZ.
McCaffery, M. August 2012.Endangered species: private conservation.Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment - Conference Series for Religious Leaders. Gallatin Gateway, MT.
McCaffery, M. 2014.A private lands model for imperiled species conservation and recovery.E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation sponsored Oral Presentation, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. September 16, 2014.
McCaffery, M. 2014.McCaffery, M. 2014. Imperiled species: private conservation.Invited lecture. Wildlife Biology Department, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT. March 6, 2014.
McCaffery, M. 2019.Reinvigorating Rare: A private lands model for imperiled species conservation and recovery.Invited Speaker. TWS Rare Species Workshop. 2019 Joint Annual Conference of the American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society. September 29th–October 3rd. Reno, NV.
McCaffery, M., and M. Phillips 2012.Using population ecology to plan the restoration of bolson tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus) to their Pleistocene range in the U.S.5th Annual Research Symposium for Conservation Biology. Montana Chapter Society for Conservation Biology. Bozeman, Montana.
McCaffery, M., and M. Phillips. November 2013.Wolf recovery in the Northern Rockies: A unique leveraging of partnerships for conservation.6th Annual Research Symposium for Conservation Biology. Montana Chapter Society for Conservation Biology. Bozeman, MT. November 2013. Oral presentation.
McCaffery, M., and M.K. Phillips. 2012.Using population ecology to plan the restoration of bolson tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus) to their Pleistocene range in the U.S.37th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.
McCaffery, M., and M.K. Phillips. 2012.Using population ecology to plan the restoration of bolson tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus) to their Pleistocene range in the U.S.Society for Conservation Biology’s North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Oakland California.
Mckibbin, W. L., D. W. Willis, and C. G. Kruse. February 2001.Using slot length limits to restructure largemouth bass populations in small South Dakota impoundments: Do the benefits last?.Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
Murphy, K. M., D. W. Smith, and M. K. Phillips. September 1999.The Yellowstone wolves: the first four years.The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
Murray, D., T. K. Fuller, and M. K. Phillips. June 2000.Survival in a recolonizing red wolf population.Society for Conservation Biology Annual Conference, Missoula, Montana.
Myrick, T. 2011.Endangered Species Act: a conversation with Mike Phillips.International Wolf 21:4-8.
Phillips, M. 2000.Conserving biodiversity on and beyond Turner lands.Wild Earth 10:91-94.
Phillips, M. 2001.A private effort to conserve biodiversity.Endangered Species Bulletin 26:26-29.
Phillips, M. 2001.A private effort to conserve biodiversity.Endangered Species Bulletin 26:26-29.
Phillips, M. 2001.The southern Rockies: next step in wolf recovery.International Wolf 11(3):32.
Phillips, M. 2010.Conservation and Politics.Conservation Biology 24(1):253-357.
Phillips, M. 2010.The future of wolf restoration.International Wolf 20(3):24.
Phillips, M. 2015.Are Gray Wolves Still Endangered?.International Wolf 25:14-16.
Phillips, M. K, and R. B. Turner. October 1997.The Turner Endangered Species Fund.National Geographic Television Senior Staff presentation, Washington, D.C.
Phillips, M. K. April 2000.Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf-livestock conflicts.Montana State University Ecology Seminar Series, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. August 1997.The Turner Endangered Species Fund.New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Directorate, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. February 2001.Genesis and current status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Board of Directors, Montana Nature Conservancy, Bozeman, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. February 2001.Wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. January 2000.Condors, trout, and wolves: a private effort to save nature.National Wildlife Federation Wolf Conference "The Missing Link", Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine (invited keynote talk).
Phillips, M. K. January 2000.Turner Endangered Species Fund: a private effort to save nature.Colorado Chapter of the The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau Annual Meeting, Taos, New Mexico (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund with an emphasis on avifauna conservation.California Condor Recovery Team meeting, Big Sur, California.
Phillips, M. K. March 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.International Wolf Center wolf fieldtrip, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. March 2001.Westslope cutthroat trout restoration.Trout Unlimited, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Bozeman, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 1999.Wolf restoration and private efforts to conserve biodiversity.SanJuan Mountains Association Wilderness Workshop, Durango, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2000.Mexican wolves in the Southern Rockies: why not?.Denver Museum of Nature and Science "Wolf-Red Wolf Symposium", Denver, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Environmental Defense endangered species workshop, Missoula, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.History of wolf recovery in the U.S.Yellowstone Institute wolf conservation course, Lamar Ranger Station, Yellowstone National Park.
Phillips, M. K. November 1997.Wolf restoration: 15 years of success.80th Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau, Las Cruces, New Mexico (invited keynote talk).
Phillips, M. K. November 2000.The Turner Endangered Species Fund and comments on wolf-livestock conflicts.Colorado Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. October 2000.The Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.Fish and Wildlife Service Senior Staff, Washington, D. C.
Phillips, M. K. October 2000.The Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.U.S. Forest Service Senior Staff, Washington, D. C.
Phillips, M. K. September 1999.Wolf restoration to the Southern Rockies.Presentation to the Ranch and Conservation Task Force, Philmot Scout Ranch, Cimanon, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. 1997.Wolf restoration in the United States.Symposium on "Ecology and Conservation of Canids" at the Seventh International Theriological Congress, Acapulco, Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. 2008.Stories from the field of wildlife restoration.Invited concluding speaker First Wildlife Reintroduction Conference, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL, April 16, 2008.
Phillips, M. K. 2013.Leveraging success.Invited Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting Montana Chapter Society for Conservation Biology, Bozeman, MT, November 6, 2013.
Phillips, M. K. 2013.Mexican wolf recovery region.2013 International Wolf Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota.
Phillips, M. K. 2013.Mexican wolf recovery: briefing to the Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. March 29, 2013.
Phillips, M. K. 2013.Reflections on Yellowstone.Oral Presentation, 2013 International Wolf Symposium, Duluth, MN, October 12, 2013.
Phillips, M. K. 2013.What is wolf recovery?.Invited Participant Plenary Debate, 2013 International Wolf Symposium, Duluth, MN, October 12, 2013.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Leveraging partnerships for conserving biological diversity.Invited Lecture, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Politics, science, and wildlife conservation.Invited plenary presentation, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Private working lands: important settings for conservation of imperiled species.Invited talk, Congress for Wildlife and Livelihoods on Private and communal Lands: Livestock, Tourism, and Spirit. September 7 – 12, 2014, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.The Past and Future of Wolves in the West: A Review of Social and Ecological Factors Shaping Wolf Restoration.Invited talk for “Building Common Futures for Western Wildlife Through Socio-Ecological Science”. YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado. October 2014.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Wolf restoration: a lens to many matters of concern.Invited Banquet Lecture, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Wolf restoration: many matters of concern.Invited Guest Speaker, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Wolves, falcons, and trout: private land and wildlife conservation.Invited banquet presentation, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.Politics, science, and wildlife conservation.University of Florida Graduate Seminar, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. September 21, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.The extinction crisis, Endangered Species Act, and gray wolves in Colorado.Invited guest lecture. American Renewable Energy Day 2015, Snowmass, Colorado. August 11, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.The obstacles of net metering in Montana. Panel Discussion: Smart Grid and Utilities: Solutions at Scale.Speaker and Moderator, American Renewable Energy Day 2015, Snowmass, Colorado. August 11, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.Wolves, Tortoises, and Trout: The World’s Most Significant Private Effort to Restore Imperiled Species.6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration: Towards Resilient Ecosystems: Restoring the Urban, the Rural and the Wild. Oral Presentation, Manchester, England. August 23-27, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.Wolves, Tortoises, and Trout: The World’s Most Significant Private Effort to Restore Imperiled Species.Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit, Invited lecture, Oxford University, Oxford, England. August 26, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.Wolves, tortoises, and trout: the world’s most significant private effort to save creation.First National Conference on At-Risk Species in Mexico. Queretaro, Mexico. November 3-5, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2015.Wolves, tortoises, and trout: the world’s most significant private effort to save creation.University of Florida Faculty Seminar, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. September 21, 2015.
Phillips, M. K. 2016.An Effort to Redress the Extinction Crisis: The Turner Endangered Species Fund.East-West Sustainability Summit, Invited Oral Presentation, August 30, 2016. Kahala Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Phillips, M. K. 2016.From Delay to Wrongheadedness: Mexican Wolf Recovery.Continuing Legal Education – New Mexico State Bar. Invited oral Presentation. Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 9, 2016.
Phillips, M. K. 2016.Wolf Recovery: Past, Present and Future with a focus on Western Colorado.Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Aspen Colorado. December 6, 2016.
Phillips, M. K. 2016.Wolves, tortoises, and trout: the world’s most significant private effort to save creation.Wildlife Biology Department, Humboldt State University, March 25, 2016.
Phillips, M. K. 2017.A Touchstone for Wisdom: Restoring the Gray Wolf to Western Colorado.Evening Presentation, October 6, 2017, Fjall Raven, Boulder, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. 2017.Nature’s Archstone: Restoring the Gray Wolf to Western Colorado.Dinner Presentation, October 5, 2017, Rachel’s Network, Colorado Fall Retreat, Devil’s Thumb Ranch, Tabernash, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. 2017.Wolves, Condors, Snails, and Frogs: Private Efforts to Redress the Extinction Crisis.Invited lecture, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation, Biodiversity Days, Duke University, March 3, 2017.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Conservation biologists and politicians: necessarily one and the same. Invited plenary lecture for Wildlife for All: Reinvisioning State Wildlife Governance.Invited plenary lecture for Wildlife for All: Reinvisioning State Wildlife Governance. Southwest Environmental Center & Western Wildlife Conservancy, Albuquerque, New Mexico. August 14-16, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Conservation Biologists and Politicians: Necessarily One and the Same.Wildlife Department Brown Bag Seminar, Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. September 21, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.History of Wolf Recovery.Wolf Symposium, Biology Department, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO. November 29, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Keeping every cog and wheel.Op-ed, Durango Herald, April 7, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Magic restored: re-establishing the gray wolf to western Colorado.Invited lecture for Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center, Antlers Hotel, Colorado Spring, Colorado. June 8, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Mexican wolf recovery plan: a debate of merits.Invited debate participant for International Wolf Symposium: Wolves in a changing world. International Wolf Center, Minneapolis, MN. October 11-14, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Nature’s Arch Stone: Restoring the Gray Wolf to Western Colorado.Keeping Colorado Wild Conference, Otter Creek Ranch, Heeney, CO. September 20, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Nature’s Arch Stone: Restoring the Gray Wolf to Western Colorado.Wildlife Department Faculty Seminar, Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. September 21, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Nature’s archstone: restoring the gray wolf to western Colorado.Lecture to Conservation Biology students from Canisius College, Buffalo, NY. Delivered in Bozeman, MT. February 20, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Restoring the gray wolf to Colorado: an overdue conversation.Invited lecture for Aspen Business Luncheon, Mountain Chalet, Aspen, Colorado. June 20, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Rocky Mountain Wolf Project: a call to arms.Invited Presentation, Southern Rockies Conservation Alliance. American Mountaineering Museum, Golden, CO. March 12, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Strange Bedfellows: Politics, Science, and Climate Change.Invited Lecture, Three Advanced Placement Environmental Sciences Class, McCallie Preparatory School, Chattanooga, TN, April 16, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.The last great wolf restoration: Colorado.Invited banquet address for International Wolf Symposium: wolves in a changing world. International Wolf Center, Minneapolis, MN. October 11-14, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Wolf Restoration to the Southern Rockies: A Call to Arms.Gathering of Social Media Influencers. Bozeman, MT. April 13, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Wolves and woodpeckers, snails and trout: a private effort to redress the extinction crisis.Invited plenary lecture for 2018 annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, OH. October 7-11, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Woodpeckers and Desert Sheep, Tortoises and Snails: The World’s Most Significant Effort to Save Creation.Biology Department Brown Bag Seminar, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO. November 29, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.Conservation Biologists and Politicians: Necessarily One and the Same.Colorado University Wildlife Club. University of Colorado Boulder, CO. September 19, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.The case for land and wildlife.Invited plenary talk, 2019 Annual Meeting National Caucus of Environmental Legislators. August 3, 2019. Nashville, TN .
Phillips, M. K. 2019.The Last Great Restoration Campaign: Wolves and Colorado and a Call to Action.Patagonia Outdoor Retailer. Boulder, CO. September 20, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2021.Carnivore conservation in the United States: current state of affairs.Invited lecturer, National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, Virtual Briefing Meeting, July 1, 2021.
Phillips, M. K. 2021.What is recovery for an endangered species?.Invited lecture, American Zoological Association, Black-Footed Ferret Recovery Program Review. Zoom call, June 4, 2021.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.25 Years of Restoration History.Invited Evening Lecture, Turtle Conservancy Board of Directors Annual Meeting, Armendaris Ranch, New Mexico. April 25, 2022.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.Conservation Translocations to Restore Imperiled Species.Invited Plenary Lecture, First Global Meeting of Conservation Translocation Practitioners, Oceanografic, Valencia, Spain. May 25, 2022.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.Salve for the Wounds.Invited Aldo Leopold Keynote Address, 2022 Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, November 6 – 11, 2022, Spokane, WA.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.The Inspiration of Imperiled Species Restoration.Keynote Address, Inaugural Meeting Elite Athletes Initiative, Nonami Plantation, Georgia. April 19, 2022.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.This is Our Moment.Invited Keynote Address, Western Landowners Alliance 10th Anniversary Celebration, Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico. May 11, 2022.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.Transforming State Wildlife Management: Role of Values and Attitudes.Invited Panel Session – Transforming State Wildlife Management to be More Ecologically Focused, Democratic, and Compassionate. 2022 Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, November 6 – 11, 2022, Spokane, WA.
Phillips, M. K. 2022.Wildlife and Public Lands Policy: The Election of Wolf Restoration.Invited Lecture, Natural Resource Policy Course, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. April 6, 2022.
Phillips, M. K. April 1998.The Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery.Montana State University College of Engineering Annual Fundraiser. Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. April 1998.Wolf recovery: why experimental-nonessential works.Evening Lecture Series, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. April 1999.The Turner Endangered Species Fund: a private effort to save nature.Evening Lecture Series, International Wolf Center, Ely, Minnesota (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. April 1999.Why wolf recovery in Minnesota matters.International Wolf Center Panel Discussion. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. April 2000.Wolves, condors and trout: a private effort to save nature.Cleveland Museum ofNatural History Explorer Lecture Series, Cleveland, Ohio (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. August 2000.Mexican wolves in the Southern Rockies: why not?.IUCN-SSC facilitated workshop "Population and Habitat Viability Analysis for Wolf Recovery in the Southern Rockies", Vermejo Park Ranch, Raton, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. August 2000.Wolf recovery: how do we get there from here?.Defenders of Wildlife Annual Board Meeting, Aspen, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. August 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.University of Montana Craighead Day, Flying D Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. August 2014.The Extinction Crisis: A Loud and Clear Call for Action.Invited Keynote Remarks, 11th Annual American Renewable Energy Day, Aspen, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. December 1997.Wolves and endangered species restoration.Montana State University Ecology Department Seminar Series, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. December 2001.Southern Rockies wolf restoration.Board of Directors, International Wolf Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Phillips, M. K. February 1998.Do we know how to restore wolves: a ten-year perspective.Year of the Tiger Conference sponsored by the Tiger Information Center, Sumatran Tiger Project, Hornocker Wildlife Research Institute Siberian Tiger Project, IUCN-SSC Cat Specialist Group, Exxon Corporation, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Dallas, Texas, (invited keynote talk).
Phillips, M. K. February 2000.The Turner Endangered Species Fund: a private effort to save nature.Senior-level Ecology Class, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. February 2000.Wolves and livestock: the ultimate problem.International Wolf Center Conference "Beyond 2000: Realities of Global WolfRestoration", Duluth, Minnesota (invited plenary talk).
Phillips, M. K. February 2012.Restore To What: Where Do the Mexican Wolf and Bolson Tortoise Belong?.Montana State University Ecology Department Seminar Series. Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. July 1999.Utility of private land for conserving large carnivores.LaSalle Adams Fund Board Meeting. Chico Hot Springs, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. July 1999.Wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Senior Staff, Missoula, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. July 2012.The ultimate trump card: science or politics.Society for Conservation Biology’s North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Oakland California.
Phillips, M. K. July 2012.The world’s most significant effort to conserve imperiled species on private land.Society for Conservation Biology’s North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Oakland California.
Phillips, M. K. June 1999.Private efforts the conserve biodiversity.National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Annual Board Meeting, Big Sky, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 1999.Private efforts to conserve biodiversity.Brainerd Foundation Meeting, Flying D Ranch, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2000.Turner Endangered Species Fund and comments about wolf-livestock conflicts.Park County Environmental Council Monthly Meeting, Emigrant, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. June 2000.Wolves, condors, and trout: a private effort to save nature.Forest Guardians Annual Conference, Kingston, New Mexico (invited keynote talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Continuing Legal Education endangered species workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Political Economic Research Center fieldtrip, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Presentation to the Turner Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia.
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Southern Rockies wolf recovery.1st Annual meeting of the Southwestern Carnivore Committee, Albuquerque, New Mexico (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Turner Endangered Species Fund 2002 and 2003 budgets and workplans.Turner Endangered Species Fund Board of Trustees. Flying D Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Wolf recovery in the western U.S.Greater Yellowstone Coalition's annual fundraising dinner, Flying D Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Wolf recovery.Defenders of Wildlife Senior Directorate and Board of Directors from the Bailey Wildlife Foundation, Flying D Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. March 1999.Private efforts of conserve biological diversity.Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Bozeman, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. March 2000.Mexican wolf recovery and development of a management center of excellence at Vermejo Park Ranch.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Regional Directorate, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. March 2000.Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Directorate, Washington, D. C.
Phillips, M. K. March 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf restoration in the Southern Rockies.Western Regional Workshop for the American Zoological Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado (invited keynote address).
Phillips, M. K. March 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Antioch College biology class, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. March 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Optimist Club, Bozeman, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. March 2001.Status and future of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Turner Enterprises, Inc. Annual Manager's Meeting, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. May 1999.Private efforts to conserve biodiversity.Private efforts to conserve biodiversity. Greater Yellowstone Coalition's Annual Flying D Fundraiser, Flying D Ranch, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2000.Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery.Environmental Grantmakers Meeting, Flying D Ranch, Bozeman, MT.
Phillips, M. K. May 2000.Wolves, condors, and trout: a private effort to save nature.Denver Museum of Nature and Science "Wolf-Red Wolf Symposium", Denver, Colorado (invited keynote talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.Southern Rockies wolf recovery.Cheyenne Mountain Zoo/Southern Rockies Wolf Information Forum, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.Wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.National Wildlife Federation/Colorado Wildlife Federation sponsored panel discussion "Wolf Recovery in the Southern Rockies", Lakewood, Colorado (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.Wolf recovery.Colorado State University graduate class and ABC News. Flying D Ranch, Gallatin Gateway Montana.
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.Wolf recovery.Greater Yellowstone Coalition fieldtrip, Flying D Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2012.The ultimate trump card: politics or science.Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Helena, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. November 1997.The Turner Endangered Species Fund and wolf recovery.The Wolf Stock Annual Yellowstone Fundraiser. Park City, Utah.
Phillips, M. K. November 1998.The future of wolf recovery.Defenders of Wildlife conference "Restoring the Wolf: A Conference on Wolf Biology, Recovery, Management, and Activism", Seattle, Washington (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. November 2000.A world without large carnivores: does wolf recovery offer an alternative.Defenders of Wildlife Conference "Carnivores 2000", Denver, Colorado (invited plenary talk).
Phillips, M. K. November 2000.Wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.Denver Zoo Evening Lecture Series, Denver, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. October 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund and Southern Rockies wolf recovery."Mountains and Rivers: lecture series", Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. October 2001.Grasslands conservation in central Montana.Turner Foundation Board of Trustees, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Phillips, M. K. October 2010.Restore to what: where do the Mexican wolf and bolson tortoise belong?.Montana State Ecology Department Seminar, Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. October 2012.The ultimate trump card: politics or science.Montana State University Ecology Department Seminar Series. Bozeman, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. October 2013.Prey biomass and Mexican wolf recovery.International Wolf Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota.
Phillips, M. K. October 2013.Private efforts to conserve wolves.2013 International Wolf Symposium, Duluth, MN.
Phillips, M. K. September 1997.Wolf recovery.Evening Lecture Series at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. September 1999.Private efforts to conserve biological diversity.National Wildlife Federation's Annual Board Meeting, Flying D Ranch, Montana.
Phillips, M. K. September 1999.Private efforts to conserve biological diversity.The Society for Ecological Restoration Annual Conference, San Francisco, California (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. September 1999.Wolf restoration to the Southern Rockies.Presentation for Representatives from the CS Ranch, Cimarron, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. September 1999.Wolf restoration to the Southern Rockies.Presentation to the Executive Director, Whittington Center, Raton, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. September 1999.Wolf restoration to the Southern Rockies.Senior Staff Presentation Carson National Forest, Taos, New Mexico.
Phillips, M. K. 1997.In Support of reintroduction.International Wolf 7:3-8.
Phillips, M. K. 2005.Frontiers of Wolf Recovery.International Wolf Conference, sponsored by the International Wolf Center. Plenary session talk. Colorado Spring, CO. October 1-4. 2005.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Conservation biologists and politicians: necessarily one and the same.Plenary Presentation, NA Congress for Conservation Biology, Society for Conservation Biology. University of Montana, Missoula.
Phillips, M. K. 2014.Wolf restoration: many matters of concern.Invited Guest Speaker, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, February, 2014.
Phillips, M. K. 2016.Wolf Recovery: Past, Present, and Future – with a focus on Western Colorado.Invited Oral Presentation, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, December 6, 2016. Aspen, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K. 2017.History and future of wolf recovery in the U.S.Plenary presentation, 2017 Wolf Symposium, For Collins, CO; co-sponsored by the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Turner Endangered Species Fund. February 15, 2017.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.A biologist’s perspective on wolf restoration.Op-ed, Sopris Sun, March 20, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.A biologist’s and senator’s look at wolf recovery and conservation.Evening lecture as part of the Naturalist Nights series hosted by Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Wilderness Workshop, and Roaring Fork Audubon. Carbondale, CO. February 7th and 8th, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.The Future of Conservation Translocations: A Political Perspective.Wildlife Translocation Conference. Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL. November 16, 2018. Invited Plenary Participant.
Phillips, M. K. 2018.Wolves are Not Angels or Devils: Just a Choice.Invited Whole School Lecture, McCallie Preparatory School, Chattanooga, TN, April 16, 2018.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.History of Wolf Recovery Indicates an Overdue Conversation about Colorado.Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Colorado State University, Estes Park, CO. September, 23, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.Nature’s Arch Stone: Restoring the Gray Wolf to Western Colorado.University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. September 19, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.Politics, science, and wildlife conservation.Invited talk. Integrative Biology Departmental Seminar. The University of Colorado - Denver. Denver, CO. October 25, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.Restore the Howl, Restore the Balance.Shine Restaurant and Potion Bar, Boulder, CO. September 18, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.The Last Great Restoration Campaign: Wolves and Colorado and a Call to Action.Natural Habitat Adventures Conservation Coffee Talk. Boulder, CO. September 20, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.Wildness Restored: The Wolf’s Return to Colorado.Chancellor's Distinguished Lecture Series. Guest Speaker. University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus Denver, CO. October 23, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. 2019.Wildness Restored: The Wolf’s Return to Colorado.Invited lecture to the Conservation Biology class at the University of Colorado - Denver. Denver, CO. October 24, 2019.
Phillips, M. K. and D. W. Smith. March 1998.Gray wolves and private landowners in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.63rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Orlando, Florida (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. and L. Upson 2021.People and Wildlife: Conservation and Coexistence.Invited Lecture, Bozeman Public Library's Community Forum. Zoom call, April, 21, 2021.
Phillips, M. K. July 2014.Conservation biologists and politicians: necessarily one and the same.Plenary Presentation, 2014 North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Society for Conservation Biology. University of Montana, Missoula (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. June 2001.Genesis and status of the Turner Endangered Species Fund.Montana Agricultural Teachers, Bozeman, Montana (invited talk).
Phillips, M. K. May 2001.Wolf recovery in the Southern Rockies.Presentation to Sierra Club and Congressman Mark Udall's chief of staff, Boulder, Colorado.
Phillips, M. K., 2023a.One Plus One Can Be Much.International Wolf 33(3):4-7.
Phillips, M. K., 2023b.The Endangered Species Act at 50: Why Doing Good is Hard and Increasingly Important.Invited Lecture, Gallatin Wildlife Association & Museum of the Rockies. December 19, 2023. Bozeman, MT.
Phillips, M. K., and D. W. Smith. 1998.Gray wolves and private landowners in the Greater Yellowstone Area.North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 63:443-450.
Phillips, M. K., and K. E. Kunkel. May 2000.Private efforts to conserve biological diversity.Society for Conservation Biology, Missoula, MT. (poster presentation).
Phillips, M. K., and K. E. Kunkel. May 2000.Private efforts to conserve biological diversity.Western Forest Carnivore Committee Annual Meeting, Whitefish, MT.
Phillips, M. K., and K. E. Kunkel. April 2000.Wolves, condors and trout: a private effort to save nature.North American Interagency Wolf Conference 2000, Chico Hot Springs, Montana.
Phillips, M. K., and K. E. Kunkel. July 1999.Wolf restoration and private efforts to conserve biotic diversity.National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Annual Board Meeting, Big Sky, Montana (invited banquet talk).
Phillips, M. K., and K. E. Kunkel. September 1999.Private efforts to conserve biological diversity.The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
Phillips, M. K., and T. R. Mader. October 2000.A proposal to restore California condors.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service California Condor Recovery Team Meeting, Ventura, California.
Phillips, M.K. 2008.Thoughts on Grizzly Bear and Gray Wolf Recovery.Invited speaker Greater Yellowstone Coalition 25th Annual Meeting, West Yellowstone, Montana.
Phillips, M.K. 2020.Politics, Science, and the Biodiversity Crisis.Invited banquet presentation, Annual Meeting South Dakota Chapter The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, SD, February 27, 2020.
Phillips, M.K. 2024.Power of the collective: addressing the extinction crisis.Invited William A. Nitze Community Lecture, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Aspen, Colorado. July 19, 2024.
Phillips, M.K. 2024.Wolves, condors, and trout: a new way forward.Invited Lecture, University of Colorado – Boulder, Wildlife and Rewilding senior seminar. February 13, 2024.
Phillips, M.K. September 2001.Conservation and the media.Jackson Hole Film Festival, Jackson, Wyoming (invited talk).
Phillips. M. K. 2019.The History and Future of Wolf Recovery: Western Colorado as the Keystone.Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Public speaking event. Denver, CO. November 6, 2019.
Prude, C. H. 2022.Habitat diversity influences puma diet in the Chihuahuan Desert.13th WAFA Mountain Lion Workshop. Virtual meeting April 4-7, 2022.
Prude, C. H. 2022.Influence of manmade water sources on puma habitat use and prey composition.13th WAFA Mountain Lion Workshop. Virtual meeting April 4-7, 2022.
Quigley, H, T. Wright, and K. Kunkel June 2001.Cougar-bighorn sheep interactions on the Armendaris Ranch New Mexico.Southwest Carnivore Committee Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Rohde, M.L, A.J. Forrester, M.J. Harner, C.G. Kruse, and K. Geluso. 2021.Natural History Notes: Lithobates pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog) egg predation.Herpetological Review. 52,117-118.
Smith, D. W., K. Murphy, W. Brewster, M. K. Phillips, M. Jimenez. April 2000.The Yellowstone wolves: the first 5 years.North American Interagency Wolf Conference 2000, Chico Hot Springs, Montana.
Sweikert, L. March 2010.A temporary experimental release of black-footed ferrets on Bad River Ranches, South Dakota.The South Dakota Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota.
Sweikert, L. 2011.Restoring Black-footed Ferrets to Bad River Ranches.Restoring Black-footed Ferrets to Bad River Ranches. The South Dakota Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. March 2011.
Truett, J. February 2001.Prairie dog translocation.Colorado Front Range Prairie Dog Workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Truett, J. January 2001.Prairie dog restoration.Malpais Borderland Science Conference, Douglas, Arizona.
Truett, J. September 2001.Turner Endangered Species Fund goals and activities.Southwest Environmental Center, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Truett, J. and K. Kunkel June 2001.Reducing predation impacts during reintroductions of imperiled species.Southwest Carnivore Committee Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Truett, J. C. February 2000.Prairie dog restoration.Southwest Region The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Sierra Vista, Arizona.
Truett, J. C. April 2000.Bison and biodiversity.Bison 2000 Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Truett, J. C. May 2000.Wildlife restoration on Turner ranches.New Mexico History Honors Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Truett, J. C. September 2000.Wildlife restoration on Turner ranches.Hawks Aloft Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Truett, J. C., et al. February 1999.The Turner Endangered Species Fund: a private effort to conserve biodiversity.Southwest Region of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference (poster presentation).
Turner, B. 2000.Determined to Conserve.Defenders 75:44-46.
Welsch, J. 2013.Sniffing it out.Montana Quarterly 9:29-31.
Wiese, C. September 7, 2013.Trapping small animals on the Ladder Ranch, New Mexico.University of New Mexico Mammalogy lab student presentation.
Wiese, C. December 2012.The Bolson Tortoise Breeding Program on the Turner Ranches in New Mexico.10th Annual Meeting of the Turtle Survival Alliance. Tucson, Arizona.
Wiese, C. February 2012.The Bolson Tortoise Breeding Program on the Turner Ranches in New Mexico.37th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Wiese, C. October 26, 2013.Furhman University presentation on telemetry to “Wild Semester” students.Furhman University presentation on telemetry to "Wild Semester" students.
Wiese, C. and Hillard, L.S. 2023.Breeding Bolson Tortoises for Reintroduction to the Northern Chihuahuan Desert.Chihuahuan Desert Conference, November 16, 2023. El Paso Zoo, El Paso, TX.
Wiese, C. and Hillard, L.S. 2024.Bolson tortoises are coming to SNWR: Gertie’s story.January 20, 2024. Amigos de la Sevilleta Annual Board Meeting. SNWR Visitor Center, La Joya, NM.
Wiese, C. and Hillard, L.S. 2024.Building a Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Recovery Program in the US.49th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. February 22, 2024. Las Vegas, NV.
Wiese, C. and V. Asher 2013.Wildlife conservation and wildlife science careers.Rocket21-sponsored visit to a 5th grade classroom in San Bruno, California to discuss wolves and tortoises.
Wiese, C. L.S. Hillard, and J.C. Gonzalez. 2024.History of the US Bolson Tortoise population and Intro to Bolson Tortoise Biology.1st Annual Bolson Tortoise Technical Working Group Meeting (USFWS). January 18, 2024. SNWR Visitor Center, La Joya, NM.
Wiese, C. March 25, 2013.Presentation to attendees for the “EcoGenEX”.Workshop on the Ladder Ranch, New Mexico organized by G. Roemer and Josh Donlan.
Wiese, C., and L. S. Hillard. 2014.Translocating Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) juveniles on Turner’s Armendaris Ranch: Lessons learned for Eventual Releases.Oral presentation, 12th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles. Joint Annual meeting of the Turtle Survival Alliance and IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Orlando, Florida. August 4-7, 2014.
Wiese, C., L. S. Hillard, McCaffery, M., and M. K. Phillips. 2014.Restoration of a Pleistocene Relict: The Bolson Tortoise in Southern New Mexico.Oral presentation, International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico. July 28-August 3, 2014.
Wiese, C., S. Hillard, and M.K. Phillips. July 2012.The bolson tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) breeding program on the Turner Ranches in New Mexico.10th Annual Symposium on Conservation and Biology of Tortoise and Freshwater Turtles, Tucson, Arizona.
Wilkinson, T. 2012.A big win for the westslope.Montana Outdoors. pp. 17-21.
Woolf, M. April 2000.Management of the Mexican gray wolf at the Ladder Ranch and the Turner Endangered Species Fund involvement in southwestern wolf recovery.Sierra County Chapter ofthe Sierra Club, Truth of Consequences, New Mexico (invited talk).
Woolf, M. February 2000.Management of the Mexican gray wolf at the Ladder Ranch, New Mexico.Southwest Region The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Sierra Vista, Arizona (invited talk).
Wright, A. L., H. Quigley, and K. Kunkel. December 2000.Cougars and desert bighorns in the Fra Cristobal Range: scale, geography, and seasonality.Sixth Mountain Lion Workshop, San Antonio, Texas.
Zimba, H., C. Wiese, S. Hillard, M. McCaffery, A.J. Lawson. 2023.Factors Affecting Bolson Tortoises Movement.Chihuahuan Desert Conference; El Paso, Texas. November 16th, 2023.
Zimba, H., C. Wiese, S. Hillard, M. McCaffery, A.J. Lawson. 2023.Using Spatial Metrics to Evaluate Translocation Success of Bolson Tortoises.Annual New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Meeting; Las Cruces, New Mexico. December 13th, 2023.
Zimba, H., C. Wiese, S. Hillard, M. McCaffery, A.J. Lawson. 2024.Burrow Site Selection of Translocated Bolson Tortoises in Southern New Mexico.57th Joint Annual AZTWS, NMTWS, and AZ/NM AFS Meeting; Flagstaff, Arizona. February 2nd, 2024.
Zimba, H., C. Wiese, S. Hillard, M. McCaffery, A.J. Lawson. 2024.Burrow Site Selection of Translocated Bolson Tortoises in Southern New Mexico.New Mexico State University Research and Creativity Week; Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 29th, 2024.
Zimba, H., C. Wiese, S. Hillard, M. McCaffery, A.J. Lawson. 2024.Habitat Selection and Movement Patterns of Translocated Bolson Tortoises in Southern New Mexico.Annual Bolson Tortoise Working Group Meeting; La Joya, New Mexico. January 18th, 2024.